PvP is drastically different than full-blown player-killing being allowed.
I don't support player-killing.
You can kill anyone willing to fight you. That's what challenges exist for. You're the one who's butt-hurt over this rule being in place. If you want to see more pvp outside of challenges, sign the blood scroll. Promote more warriors signing the blood scrolll.
I've been around long enough to know that people who get jumped don't usually deserve it. Sure, there are people who talk a lot of trash in the game, and when they get issued a challenge, they refuse to fight. That's when "exceptions" come into play, because some people REALLY have death coming to them for the way they act. Note that is says, "jumping will be treated as a serious offense and is likely to bring divine reprisal"...this means, because jumping is an inter-city problem, that it is usually left up to the Divine to be the judges in such circumstances, because they are not "biased", per se.
"Attacking outside of the above should be extremely rare (the exception, not
the rule, as mentioned in Readbb Main 86), and needs to have a very strong
in-character reason attached to it. In the absence of such a reason, jumping
will be treated as a serious offence and is likely to bring divine reprisals.
Bullying will not be tolerated either."
I completely agree with the rules we already have on player-killing, other than the fact that it isn't being monitored or controlled enough, and a lot of people can easily misconstrue a "good reason" for player-killing. The reason we have challenges is so people can REFUSE TO FIGHT YOU. Not everyone wishes to fight. Even if you are a sworn enemy of theirs.
This is just an example, so let's not take it personally.
Carllen worms his way into Golgonath and starts killing npcs. A warning is issued to him- either someone makes him aware if he doesn't leave, we will attack or kill him; or in my opinion, we start attacking him because he should be smart enough to know if he's in an enemy city killing their guards, that there will be repurcussions. Equally, he has every right to attack anyone who has -ALREADY- attacked him while he is on this...not so covert guard killing spree. Let the player-killing begin!
Now- someone in an enemy city changes their title. Members from our city start picking on that player for their title. Saying it's stupid...annoying. Instead of returning the favour and saying, well, you're stupid and annoying right now, incase you didn't notice, they refer to the "bullies" as children. Calling you, Roeshak, a 'boy'. You don't think Roeshak is a "boy". That player obviously does. So you issue said player a challenge...which they do not accept. What do you do? This does not in my mind qualify as a "very strong in-character reason" to jump that player. This qualifies as a very strong reason to let the situation go, no matter how bull-headed you might feel at the time for someone referring to your player as a "boy". If you are going to talk trash, expect the favour to be returned. And don't expect your city-mates to side with you simply because, "Ohhh...but we're at war with them, and HE/SHE is the enemy."
More of a job....? You think Crafter types need more...work. I think Crafter types need to work more at their current jobs. Or, if you have nothing to do, you're obviously doing it wrong.
As a Crafter, I spend the majority of my time being involved with Guild duties, running and stocking my shops, trading, farming, questing, or completing bounties. Because of the trades I chose, that sometimes means hours in the fields ploughing and sowing seeds, or spending time wandering around picking copious amounts of berries. More work.
More work... You're right. It would be more work. Because whenever I left my city, no guard in tow, and usually not even my armour...because it's stupid...to wear armour while berry-picking, let's be honest...I'd have to be worried about someone getting on a kick to jump me. For whatever they felt like?
"Gee, sorry, I picked all the berries in Barthon wood and you're too late, but you can curb stomp me now so I'll never do it again. Thanks!"
I don't see Player Killing making people want to play more. I see it making people want to play less.
I don't support player-killing.
Uhm, player killing... ok, we are at war, we are enemies! I can't kill you because everyone is butt hurt over it...
Sure complaints are always brought up about someone being killed outside of challenges, but take that up to your city leaders about how bad you don't want to be killed because they aren't there to help you or whatever.
"Attacking outside of the above should be extremely rare (the exception, not
the rule, as mentioned in Readbb Main 86), and needs to have a very strong
in-character reason attached to it. In the absence of such a reason, jumping
will be treated as a serious offence and is likely to bring divine reprisals.
Bullying will not be tolerated either."
I completely agree with the rules we already have on player-killing, other than the fact that it isn't being monitored or controlled enough, and a lot of people can easily misconstrue a "good reason" for player-killing. The reason we have challenges is so people can REFUSE TO FIGHT YOU. Not everyone wishes to fight. Even if you are a sworn enemy of theirs.
This is just an example, so let's not take it personally.
Carllen worms his way into Golgonath and starts killing npcs. A warning is issued to him- either someone makes him aware if he doesn't leave, we will attack or kill him; or in my opinion, we start attacking him because he should be smart enough to know if he's in an enemy city killing their guards, that there will be repurcussions. Equally, he has every right to attack anyone who has -ALREADY- attacked him while he is on this...not so covert guard killing spree. Let the player-killing begin!
Now- someone in an enemy city changes their title. Members from our city start picking on that player for their title. Saying it's stupid...annoying. Instead of returning the favour and saying, well, you're stupid and annoying right now, incase you didn't notice, they refer to the "bullies" as children. Calling you, Roeshak, a 'boy'. You don't think Roeshak is a "boy". That player obviously does. So you issue said player a challenge...which they do not accept. What do you do? This does not in my mind qualify as a "very strong in-character reason" to jump that player. This qualifies as a very strong reason to let the situation go, no matter how bull-headed you might feel at the time for someone referring to your player as a "boy". If you are going to talk trash, expect the favour to be returned. And don't expect your city-mates to side with you simply because, "Ohhh...but we're at war with them, and HE/SHE is the enemy."
This would also give the crafter types more of a job so their opinions would need to be processed as well. Lots to say here but I'm going to stop to hear a response from whomever.
As a Crafter, I spend the majority of my time being involved with Guild duties, running and stocking my shops, trading, farming, questing, or completing bounties. Because of the trades I chose, that sometimes means hours in the fields ploughing and sowing seeds, or spending time wandering around picking copious amounts of berries. More work.
More work... You're right. It would be more work. Because whenever I left my city, no guard in tow, and usually not even my armour...because it's stupid...to wear armour while berry-picking, let's be honest...I'd have to be worried about someone getting on a kick to jump me. For whatever they felt like?
"Gee, sorry, I picked all the berries in Barthon wood and you're too late, but you can curb stomp me now so I'll never do it again. Thanks!"
I don't see Player Killing making people want to play more. I see it making people want to play less.