Originally posted by Ashrabia
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As I said, the point of articles is in hopes of bringing the wiki group to a more... organized and less public way, so we don't have runesmith abilities and triggers for all of golgonath to see/use. (though try not to have the literal trigger stuff anywhere, at least where I can see it. That makes Me grumpy.) I, personally, would prefer in-game methods used- noticeboard, BB (for news stuff, not info stuff) and books, but there's potential for the articles to be better. For instance, guild rank requirements, city rank requirements, things that change on a week by week basis. Maybe the city wants to keep track of knowledge gained about XYZ, editable by anyone. Certainly, each player messaging and sending tells to everyone else would work and would certainly limit alt_of_player_A telling city_of_player_A top secret information, but here's to hoping the playerbase is more mature than that.
If you genuinely want a project for articles, here's a few starter ideas:
- Write an article on requirements
- Make a general article about the Kzuli village
- Write an article on your player
- Write about fishing
- Write about an event that happened, preferably one a handsome God ran
- Make an article about a handsome god
- Document month-by-month TMS and TMC statistics and create a line-graph comparing player activity, event release and feature release as compared to ranking. Drool.
As for why it says there's an article that you can't see, apparently, the category widget will show you articles from sections you don't have access to.