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  • Biographies

    I know by the sound of the title, this really shouldn't be put in the "Mug of Mead". However, I felt that because it is mostly Out of Character, it should likely go here.

    Anyways, I just wanted to remind people to take advantage of this feature. I noticed that except for the inactive people from many ages back, there are no Elysium or Ysallyra Biographies. Golgonath has two, Dimetrius and Ivan... again, not counting inactive players.

    I just think it would be interesting for each player to keep a running history of themselves. Not every history needs to be the same. Ivan and Dimetrius's couldn't be more different, but it does the same thing. Both of which were enjoyable to read on some level.

    Now, I understand that you don't have to do it. I just think that, maybe in your spare time... you might want to. Something nice to do to fill a bit of idle time and might be a fun project for those of you who want to be a bit more creative.

    Just a thought, thanks.

  • #2
    Yes, we need more! -rally-

    Also, I guess I should update mine, as it's really a running story...and rather incorrect at present.
    Zycandos and Jaethor's karaoke rendition of 'I Feel Pretty'.

    Jaethor goes solo with 'The Sound of Music'.

    Minstrel Sharallin sings: "The lord of revenants is a withered man, sunken by age and evil. But his blood is sweet, say the young men - and they should know?"
    Jaethor, God of Enlightenment tells you, "((Stop breaking Akanbar.))"

