Thought I'd start a thread to share my auto sipper set up, and to check out everyone elses and see how they very and whatnot person to person, and client to client. Added descriptions.... probably just confused everyone, and made a mess of it.
The top two triggers here are basically the same. The first one, ALWAYS fires. It sets the HP variables again, which I only actually use one of here. Then, if my hp is over 2900(the point i heal at) it turns on the second trigger which is the same but with a lower sequence so it fires first on the next prompt. It also turns of autohealth, just to be sure. Otherwise it turns on autohealth to be sure.
The above trigger gets turned on when off from the first trigger. To be sure, if my health is over 2900 it turns off the autohealth, otherwise it turns on autohealth, checks my health sip balance and if its good to go, sips blood, and sets the balance to 2 which is unbalanced.
The trigger below is autohealth. It is what does most of the sipping. First off it always sets my health balance to true, or balanced, or 1 meaning I can sip again. Then it checks my health to see if im above the autohealth limit, and if im health balanced. If I am both then it turns off autohealth, and turns the prompthealth above back on. Otherwise it sips blood again, and sets health balance to 2, unbalanced.
This is what is fired, when my health is above 2900, and I regain health balance.
This makes sure, I can't oversip, just to be sure.
The top two triggers here are basically the same. The first one, ALWAYS fires. It sets the HP variables again, which I only actually use one of here. Then, if my hp is over 2900(the point i heal at) it turns on the second trigger which is the same but with a lower sequence so it fires first on the next prompt. It also turns of autohealth, just to be sure. Otherwise it turns on autohealth to be sure.
<triggers> <trigger enabled="y" match="^(.*?)\/(.*?)h (.*?)\/(.*?)m \> $" send_to="12" sequence="100" > <send>SetVariable ("hp", "%1") SetVariable ("hpMax", "%2") if @hp > 2900 then EnableTriggerGroup ("prompthealth", true) EnableTriggerGroup ("autohealth", false) else EnableTriggerGroup ("autohealth", false) end</send> </trigger> </triggers>
<triggers> <trigger enabled="y" expand_variables="y" group="prompthealth" match="^(.*?)\/(.*?)h (.*?)\/(.*?)m \> $" regexp="y" send_to="12" sequence="99" > <send>SetVariable ("hp", "%1") SetVariable ("hpMax", "%2") if @hp > 2900 then EnableTriggerGroup ("autohealth", false) else EnableTriggerGroup ("autohealth", true) if @healthbalance == 1 then Send ("sip blood") SetVariable ("healthbalance", "2") end end</send> </trigger> </triggers>
The trigger below is autohealth. It is what does most of the sipping. First off it always sets my health balance to true, or balanced, or 1 meaning I can sip again. Then it checks my health to see if im above the autohealth limit, and if im health balanced. If I am both then it turns off autohealth, and turns the prompthealth above back on. Otherwise it sips blood again, and sets health balance to 2, unbalanced.
<triggers> <trigger custom_colour="7" expand_variables="y" group="autohealth" match="*You may consume more blood now.*" send_to="12" sequence="80" > <send>SetVariable ("healthbalance", "1") if @hp > 2899 and @healthbalance == 1 then EnableTriggerGroup ("autohealth", false) EnableTriggerGroup ("prompthealth", true) else Send ("sip blood") SetVariable ("healthbalance", "2") end </send> </trigger> </triggers>
<triggers> <trigger custom_colour="7" enabled="y" group="hcolor" match="*You may consume more blood now.*" send_to="12" sequence="100" > <send>SetVariable ("healthbalance", "1")</send> </trigger> </triggers>
<triggers> <trigger enabled="y" group="healthbalance" match="*The blood courses through you, strengthening your resolve.*" send_to="12" sequence="100" > <send>SetVariable ("healthbalance", "2")</send> </trigger> </triggers>