Sometimes my auto-sipperr stops working randomly...
When this happens and I go into my settings I can see that what is stopping it working is on of these ' [ ' in front of my hp variable.
I have tried deleting it from the box and also have deleted and re-made the hp variable. Neither have worked. It just re-appears immediately and continues to stop my auto-sipper from working.
The following day or hours later it will have disappeared and things will work fine again for a while until it happens again, seemingly randomly. It is annoying.
Anybody else have something like this happen them? Did you manage to fix it?
Or anybody good with zmud/code know why this might be happening or what could be causing it? H
When this happens and I go into my settings I can see that what is stopping it working is on of these ' [ ' in front of my hp variable.
I have tried deleting it from the box and also have deleted and re-made the hp variable. Neither have worked. It just re-appears immediately and continues to stop my auto-sipper from working.
The following day or hours later it will have disappeared and things will work fine again for a while until it happens again, seemingly randomly. It is annoying.
Anybody else have something like this happen them? Did you manage to fix it?
Or anybody good with zmud/code know why this might be happening or what could be causing it? H