We will keep this thread up to date with our current guidelines on how these forums should be used, and request that everyone give consideration to these before posting.
First and formost, the forums are not designed to be a replacement for the in-game bulletin board system. Announcements on policy and discussion should still primarily be held there, as no one is under any pressure to sign up to these forums.
The aim of the forums is to provide a place for items that are less suited to the in game BBs. For example, stories, technical help, basic game questions and even the posting of logs, be they combat logs or relating to a politicial development or incident.
For some initial do's and don'ts:
1. Do keep topics to the relevent sections where one exists.
2. Do keep in character, except for the forums such as techincal assistance, mug of mead and game development, where being in character is optional
If you feel someone's behaviour needs reporting, there is a report button that will bring a post to the attention of a moderator.
In all, as with Akanbar itself, we simply wish for people to have fun, while keeping a modicum of common sense!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask,
First and formost, the forums are not designed to be a replacement for the in-game bulletin board system. Announcements on policy and discussion should still primarily be held there, as no one is under any pressure to sign up to these forums.
The aim of the forums is to provide a place for items that are less suited to the in game BBs. For example, stories, technical help, basic game questions and even the posting of logs, be they combat logs or relating to a politicial development or incident.
For some initial do's and don'ts:
1. Do keep topics to the relevent sections where one exists.
2. Do keep in character, except for the forums such as techincal assistance, mug of mead and game development, where being in character is optional
If you feel someone's behaviour needs reporting, there is a report button that will bring a post to the attention of a moderator.
In all, as with Akanbar itself, we simply wish for people to have fun, while keeping a modicum of common sense!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask,