Roleplaying: The Good, the Bad, the Logworthy

Another discussion, while I try to find something worth posting here!

What are the collective thoughts on the forums themselves, in regards to
utilizing the information in-character? We have sub-forums such as "Our
People", in which the threads and posts are meant to be written from an
IC standpoint, for snippets such as biographies and short stories.

But when - if ever - is it appropriate for such posts to be referred to in
game? Could you for instance, after reading a posted biography, approach
the character afterward to speak on its contents? What if this character
were only to have posted it on the forums, but not through the IC means
available (Biographies section of the World's End Library)? Would this
change the circumstances for you, as a roleplayer?

This new blogging system brings more curious points up, as blogs
themselves can be deemed in-character. So, where is the line of
transference drawn? Should it go one way, both, or neither?
