After mulling over it for a few hours, I've finally decided on a good topic for
this nonsense. As most know, despite my elitist attitude and rightfully-earned
stash of snark and backtalk, I can be a -very- reasonable person (at least, from
an OOC standpoint). So I've elected to extend my services by keeping this little
gem up to date as a sort of advice column.

Roleplaying: The Good, the Bad, the Logworthy

Yes, you read that correctly. From my imagined throne of excellence, I will be
taking snippets and examples of the roleplay I encounter and tossing it up here
for discussion. Whether it's a world event or a simple one-on-one conversation,
I'll be dissecting it (with permission, of course) and pointing out various bits
of roleplay that I feel are worth stressing and impressing, or could be shied
away from.

No, I will not be critiquing. Neither will I be posting things with the intent
of shaming anyone involved, or pointing out why Person A is so much better to be
around than Person B. I will be highlighting interactions with development, and
giving further examples as to how you can learn from them and flesh out your own
persona (for any who are into taking advice, that is). Consider it a place for
finding inspiration, and catching on to who is doing it "right" and how.

My following posts will have such logs tossed in, and comments will be opened
to add to or refute any points I happen to raise in line with the post's contents. I
will also take general questions in the form of comments on this post, and maybe
even throw up posts with random tips and advice.

Let the madness begin.